The National Statement of Expectations for Supported Housing

The oversight of supported housing

It has been five years since the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review suggested changes to the regulation and oversight of supported housing. The National Statement of Expectations for Supported Housing published on 20th October 2020 is an underwhelming development after this five year wait.

Working Together to Develop New Supported Housing

I’m prompted to write about this having recently been in discussion with social investors and property developers who are looking for community housing associations and provider partners to work with in the development of new supported housing.

I’ve also been asked to help connect providers with people who fund and develop property for use of supported housing.

Please get in touch directly with me and I can put you in touch with my wide network of contacts in the provider, housing association, commissioning and investor/developer sectors.

Claiming Enhanced Housing Benefit for Intensive Housing Management

The reason that Enhanced Housing Benefit is payable is because qualifying supported housing providers provide additional and more intensive housing management and maintenance services than would be the case in general needs rented housing. They do so because supported & sheltered housing residents have additional housing needs and supported housing itself has additional maintenance and services costs.

Exempt Accommodation, Specified Accommodation & Intensive Housing Management

Exempt accommodation & intensive housing management

To explain what Exempt and Specified Accommodation is and to make clear my view that most “Specified Accommodation” is actually “Exempt Accommodation”
To explain the Welfare Reform Act implications of Exempt and Specified Accommodation
To give comprehensive examples of Additional/Intensive Housing Management tasks and functions
To examine the future for Enhanced Housing Benefit and Additional/Intensive Housing Management